About Corey
Corey had a profound love of life and wasn’t going to waste a minute of it. He elicited deep sensitivity and compassion to those in his life. He was a loyal friend, always supporting them with kind words and actions of encouragement. He thrived on challenges and forever encouraged those in his life to do the same. He wanted his friends to experience the same passion for life by trying new activities that he too found exciting.
However, on the other end of the spectrum, Corey was silly, playful and was a prankster. He was very confident and self assured, allowing him to follow his own beat. It didn’t matter to him if a “Rat Tail” had long faded from the fashion scene. He liked it and kept it long after the “style” moved on.
Corey lived his young life with passion and humor. At fourteen, he achieved the elite rank of Eagle Scout as a member of Troop 140 in Buffalo Grove. His Eagle project consisted of building and placing 4 varieties of bird and bat houses on an island in Buffalo Creek. He specifically chose Buffalo Creek because of his fond memories of days spent fishing there with his father. He wanted to honor those times spent together and provide an ongoing habitat for the wildlife living there. Some of the bird and bat houses can be seen from Lake Cook Rd. on the abandoned Heron’s nesting poles on the southwest side of the island.
Corey was a very involved student who sought out opportunities to fulfill his love of music. He was a top tier trumpet player who participated in the jazz band, symphonic band, marching band, pep band and the award winning Expressions band. He was looking forward to being the lead trumpet in the bands his junior year. He planned to pursue a career in music.
Corey had a wide variety of other interests and hobbies. He earned his brown belt in karate, played on the freshman volleyball team, and was an avid fisherman. He was a caddy at Rolling Green Country Club and enjoyed playing golf as well. Corey participated in many scouting activities: camping in the Rockies, canoeing the Boundary Waters, he loved to rock climb and especially loved to belay other climbers. He bowled in a league from Kindergarten through middle school. He was a certified scuba diver. He was very much a people person and had the gifted ability to talk to and befriend other people young and old alike.